intergenerational project

“What is difficult to repeat? The truth.” Laurys
The project Répétitions brought together a class of fourteen year olds with learning challenges and a group of senior citizens from the Paris suburb Bobigny over two years.
Of course “Répétitions” is a play on words (in French, répétition means rehearsal.) In the theatre we spend a lot of time repeating things. In real life as well. The idea of this project was to look at how people of different ages perceive repetition, whether in representation or personal experience. The participants, who had for the most part never been on stage before, came to weekly workshops over two years. They started in two separate age defined groups, and gradually got to know one another through letters, discussions and eventually joint workshops. The material for the show, including music, movement and original texts, grew out of the long workshop process. Each person was also interviewed on film, and the interviews were integrated into the final performance.
click here to watch part of the show’s video
Auguste Ahehehinnou, Ghislaine Bernier-Bourbon, Danielle Brenner, Charlotte Causse, Adelin Ionel Cirpaci, Raymonde Clerc, Mamadou Doucoure,Noëlle Doumbia, Soriba Drame, Néjat Férouse, Rouksana Fidaly, Mathieu Gilbert,Anna Gruber, Ali Hammadi, Monique Hommet, Jordan Mabiala, Araby Makadji, Mamadou Mané, Gnallé N’Diaye, Kardiatou N’Diaye, Laurys Nunes, Florence Podin, Georges Podin, Shazia Saleck, Françoise Seignez, Dama Tirera, Baraka Traore, Kasthuri Vyravippillai
Project leader and director : Kate France / Dance : Érika Zueneli / Technical director : Denis Arlot / Costumes Sophie Hampe
Bruno Cristin et Zora Ihadjadène (teachers from collège République) and Nathalie Pichot (librarian from Elsa Triolet library)
Anne-Gaëlle Adreit, Philippe Dubois, Jean-Claude Fonkenel, Plan Bey, Margot Quénéhervé, Jean-Michel Rabeux, Clara Rousseau, Marion Souliman, Anne-Laurence Vesperini
Collège République , Bobigny : Sophie Nobécourt Laurence Riondet / Elsa Triolet Library, Bobigny : Brigitte Bignotti, Claire Dexheimer / CCAS Bondy: Nicolas Ajayi, Francisco Garcia, Thierry Riondet et Marie-Christine Viviano
Gaëlle Brynhole and Margault Chavaroche from MC93, Pierre Bour and Line Uroz from the cultural section, Drancy, Corinne Cicolari, Sophie Rousseau and Éric Sterenfeld
La Fondation de France (programme Enfance-Culture), La DRAC Île de France (Culture et lien social, La Mission pour l’art et la culture au collège du département de la Seine-Saint-Denis)
Répétitions was performed at the TransPantin festival, Théâtre du Fil de l’Eau in March 2015